PRTR systems exist in different forms. They all share the same basic approach but may vary in scope and other aspects, such as in their aim to use data across sectors and foster linkages with other sources of information.
Aims in building PRTRs:
- All: provide data on pollution and wastes to all and free of charge;
- Organize reporting from the industry to the government in a transparent way;
- Facilitate reporting to international obligations, such as CLRTAP, UNFCCC, Stockholm, Minamata (e.g. Serbia);
- Facilitate access to data amongst different parts of the government and facilitate reporting to the government, such as through a one-stop-shop government access building on the national PRTR-system (e.g. Chile);
- Harmonize pollution data standards across borders (e.g. Protocol on PRTRs, and regional PRTRs such as the E-PRTR and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)’s Taking Stock Online on North American Industrial Pollution)
- Compare different sources of pollution in their origin, such as point sources (e.g. stacks in industrial facilities) with diffuse sources (e.g. air pollution through traffic or releases from products) (e.g. Sweden);
Add non-PRTR scope, such as data on resource consumption of facilities and the like in order to make life cycle analysis and support the circular economy approach (e.g. Norway);